Touch Button Layout View

Sites > Look and feel > Touch button layouts > Select a touch button layout

What is the view used for?

  • In this view you can preview and edit the touch button layout for the POS.
  • Use the Touch button layout to design your POS. We recommend that you take a look at the demo data to get some idea of how the touch button layout works.
    1. Create the button grid menus and assign them to the touch button layout.
    2. Open Touch button layout and open the "Change design," drag and drop the parts into the touch button layout.
    3. Click on the Save button.


Customization dialog


Layout objects

In a new layout when the change design link is clicked or the design area is right-clicked and Customize layout selected this dialog opens. The dialog includes a list of all objects that have not already been added to the opened touch button layout.

Use the four buttons at the top to:

­– open a folder to...

– save the...

– undo the change made in the object setup.

– redo a change that has been undone.


Below is a list of all the objects available with a description.






Tab/Field name Description
Hidden Items Tab Click on an Item on the list, hold it and drag it into the touch button layout and drop into a Space on the layout.
Empty Space Item  
ButtonGrid1 Drag this button grid menu to the layout to show the button grid selected for Button grid 1 in the button grid menu setup.
ButtonGrid2 Drag this button grid menu to the layout to show the button grid selected for Button grid 2 in the button grid menu setup.
ButtonGrid3 Drag this button grid menu to the layout to show the button grid selected for Button grid 3 in the button grid menu setup.
ButtonGrid4 Drag this button grid menu to the layout to show the button grid selected for Button grid 4 in the button grid menu setup.
ButtonGrid5 Drag this button grid menu to the layout to show the button grid selected for Button grid 5 in the button grid menu setup.
Cash changer  
Forecourt Control  
Keyboard InputControl  
ButtonGrid1 There are five button grid menus. Select the button grid menus that you want have assigned to the relevant menus. If you right click on the button grids on the layout, you can open the “Button Properties” dialog or clear a button from the menu.
Cash changer  
Customer This part displays the customer in the transaction on the POS.
Empty Space Item Use this to place an empty space in the touch button layout.
Forcecourt Control  
Keyboard InputControl  
Logo Insert the logo panel. The logo can be chosen in ...
Message The message panel, this displays any messages on the POS.
Numpad The number pad, this is used to enter numbers in the POS.
Receipt The receipt panel, this displays the sales lines and totals.
Separator Use this to separate areas in the touch button layout.
Splitter Use this to split areas in the touch button layout.
Totals The totals panel that displays the totals: Total discount, Subtotal, No of item lines, Tax, Payment, Balance.
Layout Tree View  
Column editor

Choose columns to display in the receipt panel by right clicking in the header line to see the option “Column chooser,” selecting this opens the Customization window for the column chooser.

Sort Ascending Sort column A to Z.
Sort Descending Sort column Z to A.
Clear Sorting Clear sorting settings.
Group By This Column  
Show Group By Box  
Column Chooser Select this option to choose parts for the column.
Best Fit Resize the selected column so that it fits well in the receipt panel.
Best Fit (all columns) Resize all of the columns so that they fit well on the receipt panel.
Column Customize window

Drag and drop these parts into the receipt panel header to add the column. Drag and drop them outside of this area or back into the Column Customization window to get rid of them from the header.

Barcode The item’s barcode.
Color The item’s color.
Extra Info Extra information about the item, you can set this…
Item The item name.
Item Id The item ID.
Line Id The line ID.
Linked item Any linked items.
Offer An offer.
Original price The original price of the item.
Paid w CC  
Qty The quantity of the same item.
Retail price The retail price.
Size The item’s size.
Style The item’s style.
Tax amount The tax amount on the item.
Tax code The tax code.
Tax pct The tax percentage.
Total The total.
VAT Cat. The Value Added Tax Category.
Voided Display voided items.
Change Design is open, Right-click on area.
Hide Customization Form Selecting this closes the customization form.
Show Text Click on a panel and add text next to it, this opens the option “Rename” which allows you to change the text. This appears on the POS.
Hide Item Click on an area to remove from the Touch button layout.
Create EmptySpace Item Insert an empty space area.
Size Constraints
  • Reset to default: Reset the area to default size.
  • Free sizing: Allow the area to be sized in any way.
  • Lock Size: Lock the area’s size.
  • Lock Width: Lock the area’s width.
  • Lock Height: Lock the area’s height.

See also

Last updated: September 2017
Version: LS One 2017.2